How-To Articles

The Number 1 Way On How To Do Meditation

If you are looking for how to do meditation, you are at the right place, as today we are going to discuss how to meditate.

Learning How To Do Meditation

Start By Sitting Straight

To start meditating, start by sitting straight. Keep a straight posture and make sure your back is not bent down. Make sure that you are utterly straight, as this will help with breathing.

Try breathing

The next step is to start breathing, just to see if it is proper. Adjust your posture accordingly.

Put Your Hands Accordingly

Put your hands on your lap and cross your thumb with your finger. Do it with both hands. Putting your hands together puts you in a position where you are able to meditate in the best way.

Exhale and inhale

Start inhaling and exhaling. Keep your eyes closed and focus on every breath.

All meditation is done while sitting down

All meditation is done while sitting down for beginners, so be careful. It’s all about breathing, so make sure you are breathing right.

Time Yourself

Make sure you time yourself when you are meditating. Start with 5 minutes, and take it to 10, 20, and 30 respectively.

Source: Learn how to do meditation and see amazing results. Free!
Source: Learn how to do meditation and see amazing results. Free!

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Other pointers

When meditating, make sure you take care of the following:

Choose A Peaceful Environment

Meditation should always be practiced in a peaceful environment. Make sure the place you choose is free of distractions. You can do it in a small or large space; it all depends on you, and indoors and outdoors don’t matter as it’s all about the space being comfortable. A peaceful environment is devoid of TV distractions, phones, and noises. You can even play music during meditation, but make sure it’s not too hard or loud. It’s always better to meditate in silence, as it lets you focus on your mind and breathing.

You can even put on earplugs while meditating, but again, it’s always better to start with a clean slate, so no headphones or music.

Your Shoes Should Be Comfortable

Shoes play an important role in your overall well-being, and while learning how to meditate, make sure the shoes you are wearing are comfortable. Wearing the right shoes can calm the mind and also block any external distractions. If your shoes are uncomfortable, they will cause pain that will not let you meditate properly. You can even take off your shoes and wear socks, or not. The whole idea here is for you to be comfortable, so choose accordingly.

Choose The Right Clothing

If you are meditating in clothes that are too tight, there are higher chances that you will fail at meditation. Meditation is all about relaxation, so make sure that you choose the right clothing. It’s fine if the clothes are loose. Also, don’t choose clothes that are too tight or whose material is too uncomfortable. Always sit and meditate using the right gear, and the right gear is one that is comfortable.

Timing Is Important

If you have read that you have to meditate for 10 minutes and you can’t do that at the start, don’t. It’s important to always choose a type of duration that you can comfortably do and attain. If you are meditating for as little as 5 minutes a day, that is fine. If you want to take it to 10 minutes after a month, that is fine. We will say it all over again: meditation is all about being comfortable, so choose a routine that is best suited for you.

Stretch Properly

You should also stretch properly before and after meditating. Sometimes, your muscles can start developing properly if you are pairing meditation with the gym. Stretching is also important for blood flow, no matter how long or short you meditate. It is one of the most important principles of meditation, so make sure you stretch properly after meditating.

Should you meditate on your own or with a Guide?

Meditation is all about the right poses. Therefore, when you meditate, you should make sure you have the right one to get the most out of it; otherwise, the purpose gets defeated. If you are looking for how to do meditation, one important aspect to look into is whether you want to learn it yourself, either online or through another method, or with the help of someone.

Most gyms today offer meditation classes, and these classes are available outside the gym as well. While they can be expensive, they are the best way to start and learn, after which you can start meditating on your own.

If you are tired of weight gain, if you are tired of negative thoughts, and if you really want to change yourself for the better, make sure you start meditating. We hope in this how-to-do meditation article, you were able to get a clearer picture of how to start on it. Keep following us for more articles.

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